Sunday, 1 July 2007

PST - uncovered

At the behest of a couple of fellow bloggers, I have decided to get a little more adventurous with my PST pics. These ones where obviously done inside, but my goal is to get a couple outside, eventually. Once I work up the nerve. lol


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, tasty buns in a pink wrapping! ;o)

Monty said...

Oh my oh my oh my! You daring thing you! Well done Simon, well done! Fabulous arse! ;-)

Muzbot said...

uh-oh... These pics have certainly raised the stakes for PST! What a cute bum!

altraeis said...

lol, thanx muzbot, but your last one with the ball was very nice i thought. I need tog et a bit more creative....and buy more then one pink